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2004.09-2008.7 武汉理工大学,资源与环境工程学院,矿物加工,工学博士
1999.09-2002.07 中南大学,资源加工与生物工程学院,矿物加工,工学硕士
1992.08-1996.07 中南大学,矿物工程系,选矿工程,工学学士
2015.1-至今 武汉工程大学,资源与安全工程学院,教授、学科带头人
2008.9-2014.12 武汉工程大学,资源与安全工程学院,副教授
1996.7-2004.9 武汉钢铁集团,工程师/副厂长
l 代表性论文:
[1] Hanquan Zhang, Guanhua Chen, Xiang Cai, Jintao Fu, Mingxia Liu, Pengfei Zhang, Hong Yu. The leaching behavior of copper and iron recovery from reduction roasting pyrite cinder[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, (2021) doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2021.126561
[2] Hanquan Zhang, Pengfei Zhang, Feng Zhou, Manman Lu. Application of multi-stage dynamic magnetizing roasting technology on the utilization of cryptocrystalline oolitic hematite: A review[J]. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology,2022,32:865-876
[3] ZHANG Han-quan,FU Jin-tao. Oxidation Behavior of Artificial Magnetite Pellets. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy, and Materials, 2017. 6:603-610
[4] Hong Y., Bin L., Wenqiang S., Xianling Z., Mingxia L., Hongbo Z., Hanquan Z. *. Recovery of gold and iron oxide from pyrite cinder using reduction roasting, grinding, thiosulfate leaching in the presence of additives and magnetic separation. Hydrometallurgy,2025(233): 106453
[5] Zhang Hanquan, Wang Fengling. Analysis of Surface Wettability of Synthetic Magnetite. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed. 2014, 9 (4): 679-683
[6] Zhang H. Q., Lu M. M., Fu J. T. Study on Oxidation and Roasting Characteristics of Artificial Magnetite Pellets.Journal of Central South University. (2016) 23: 2999−3005
[7] Hanquan Zhang, Feng Zhou, Hong Yu and Mingxia Liu. Double roles of SHMP in the Flotation of Dolomite from Apatite, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, (2021) doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.colsurfa.2021.127080
[8]LUO Li-qun,ZHANG Han-quan*. Process mineralogy and characteristic associations of iron and phosphorus-based minerals on oolitic hematite. J. Cent. South Univ. (2017) 24: 1956−1967
[9] Hanquan Zhang,Jintao Fu,Jian Pan,Feng Zhang,Zhengqi Guo. Isothermal oxidation kinetics of Artificial Magnetite Pellets.J. of Wuhan Uni. of Tech. -Mater. Sci. Ed.2018, 12 (6)∶1516-1523
[10] Hanquan Zhang, Zeqiang Zhang, Liqun Luo, Hong Yu. Behavior of Fe and P during reduction magnetic roasting separation of phosphorus-rich oolitic hematite. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects , 2019, 41(1), 47–64
[11] Mingxia Liu,Zhaohui Yao, Chaojie Hu, Kang Xu,Ruixu Wang, Hanquan Zhang*. Activation behavior and mechanism of sodium sulfate for iron recovery from red mud through magnetization roasting–magnetic Separation. JOM,(2024),https://doi.org/10.1007/s11837-024-06605-3
[12]Hanquan Zhang,Feng Zhou,Mingxia Liu,Yanfeng Jin,Linbo Xiao,Hong Yu. Employing sulfur–phosphorus mixed acid as a depressant: A novel investigation in flotation of collophanite[J]. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects,2020. DOI: 10.1080/15567036.2020.1849458
[13]Hanquan Zhang, Chengxin Liu, Manman Lu*, Hong Yu. Kinetic model researches on drying characteristics of artificial magnetite green pellet[J]. Journal of Central South University. 2021,28(1),89-99.
[14] Mingxia Liu, Hong Yu, Hanquan Zhang*, Kaipeng Wang, Xiaoli Tan, Qi Liu. Roles of the hydrophobic and hydrophilic groups of collectors in the flotation of different-sized mineral particles[J]. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 637 (2022) 128262
[15] Hong Yu, Long Liu, Guanhua Chen, Xianlin Zhou, Manman Lu, Hanquan Zhang*. Recovery of Cu, Co, and Fe from Pyrite Cinder Based on Mineral Phase Reconstruction. ACS Omega,(2024),https://doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.4c00611.
[16] Manman Lu, Hanquan Zhang*, Hong Yu, Zeqiang Zhang. Pelletization characteristics of artificial and natural magnetite and their mixtures[J], Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy, 2021,130(4): 283-291
[17] Hong Y., Long L., Mingxia L., Hanquan Z., Run M.. Waste control by waste: Recovering iron from red mud with the effect of Phosphogypsum-included additive. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 206 (2024): 107641
[18] Ruiqi Ge, Bingqiao Yang, Bing Deng, Hui Shao, Yimei Xiao, Rudolph Martin, Huihua Luo, Hanquan Zhang, The interaction mechanism of a novel polymer depressant with apatite and dolomite surface and its implication on flotation: Experimental tests and DFT calculation, Applied Surface Science, 2023,158675
[19] 余永富, 张汉泉.我国钢铁发展对铁矿选矿科技发展的影响. 武汉理工大学学报. 2007,1: 1-5
[20] 张汉泉,余永富,陈雯.大冶铁矿强磁选精矿磁化焙烧热力学研究,钢铁,2007, 42(4):8-11
[21] 张汉泉, 余永富, 彭泽友, 陈雯.黄梅褐铁矿悬浮闪速磁化焙烧试验研究[J]. 钢铁, 2009, 44(07): 11-14
[22] 张汉泉,汪凤玲. 赤褐铁矿磁化焙烧矿物组成和物相变化规律. 钢铁研究学报. 2014, 26(7): 8-11
[22] 刘承鑫, 虞勇, 张汉泉.人工磁铁矿球团脱水干燥速度分析[J].钢铁研究学报, 2017,29(06):447-452.
[23] 刘承鑫,余俊杰,张泽强,张汉泉*.润磨对人工磁铁精矿球团性能的影响[J].钢铁,2018,53(01):17-23.
[24] 张汉泉,高王杰,胡超杰,余洪.铜渣煤基直接还原过程中的铁物相转变[J].钢铁研究学报,2020,32(04):311-321.
l 科研项目:
[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,人工磁铁矿成球性能及氧化动力学研究,2015-2018,主持;
[4] 国家自然科学基金重点项目,莫来石原位支撑钼精矿氧化挥发与钼铼高效分离的基础研究,2023-2027,单位负责人;
[5]国家重点基础研究发展计划 (973):No. 2007CB613502,两性金属/黑色金属紧缺矿产资源高效清洁综合利用的基础研究子课题,2007-2010,主持
[6] “十一五”国家科技支撑计划/科技部:鲕状高磷赤铁矿选矿关键技术与装备,2007-2010,负责人;
[7]国家科技支撑计划(十一五): 褐铁矿、菱铁矿高效选矿技术研究,2007-2010,技术负责人;
[10]广西重点科研计划项目, 氧化锰矿流态化快速还原焙烧技术研究,2007-2011,主持
[11]大冶铁矿硫精矿全量化综合利用:宝武钢铁重点科研计划项目, 2021-2024,主持
[13]柳钢屯秋鲕状赤铁矿磁化焙烧—磁选试验研究:柳钢重点科研计划项目, 2018-2022,主持
l 授权国家发明专利:
[1]高铁低硅烧结矿制备方法. 授权日期:2005-6-23,发明专利,专利号:ZL01114546.3
[3]粉状低品位氧化铁矿石的选矿工艺,授权日期:2011-5-4,发明专利,专利号:ZL 200910060775.7
[7]一种云母板的制备方法.授权日期: 2016-04-13,发明专利,ZL CN201410279366.7
[8]一种二步法循环分解转化利用磷石膏的工艺.授权日期: 2017-11-21,发明专利,ZL 2016 1 0444888.7
[9]一种矿山井下巷道防水门自适应加载保护方法. 授权: 2024-5-3,发明专利,CN202310040991.5
[10] 气基低温还原焙烧—浸出回收硫酸渣中铜钴的方法,授权: 2024-5-28,发明专利,CN202210534051.7
[11]一种利用硫酸渣制备电池级磷酸铁并回收金铜钴的方法,授权日期: 2025-1-21,发明专利,CN 118754073 B
l 获奖情况
[1] 粉状氧化铁矿多级动态磁化焙烧新工艺技术.湖北省技术发明奖,2011年
[2] 极难选红铁矿闪速(流态化)磁化焙烧成套技术开发与应用.中国冶金科学技术奖,2017年
l 制定标准:
云南省地方标准:中低品位胶磷矿浮选工艺控制参数(DB53/T 675—2015)